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Getting to know our neighbours:Creating a more welcoming community for migrant workers in Colchester County

On April 30, we hosted the event "Getting to know our neighbours: Creating a more welcoming community for migrant workers in Colchester County" at St. John's Anglican Church in Truro NS. This was our first event in Truro to spark discussion on how to foster welcoming environment for the migrant workers in the area. More than 20 interested individuals from diverse backgrounds attended the event, all of whom were eager to continue the conversation and to take action.

At the event, we heard from guest speakers about topics such as the history of African Nova Scotian communities in Truro, an overview of the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program, what it’s like to be a migrant farm worker in Nova Scotia and personal stories of friendship and mutual aid with our migrant worker neighbours. You can also read this article to get an overview of the discussion.

September 12

Official Launch of Community-Art Project

September 17

NOII-Hfx to participate in Antigonight 2022: Art After dark festival