Call-out for Spanish speaking volunteers

No one is illegal - Halifax/Kjipuktuk’s Migrant Workers Program provides free information and mutual aid support to low-waged migrant workers who face workplace abuse, exploitation, and discrimination on farms and fish plants throughout Nova Scotia. As our Program continues to grow, we are seeking to expand our current roster of Spanish speaking volunteers. 

We are looking for Spanish-speaking volunteers, who can support in a number of areas,  including:

  • Written translation of documents 

  • Providing phone or in-person interpretation in a variety of situations (eg. healthcare access, situations of abuse, etc.) 

  • Supporting migrant workers to complete a variety of claims and applications (Vulnerable worker open work permit, Workers Compensation claims, etc.)

  • And more!

Training is provided. If you are fluent in Spanish and are looking for ways to join the fight for migrant justice, this might be the opportunity for you!

To get involved or to find out more, email us at


Call-out for volunteer graphic designers


Call-out for volunteer lawyers